All Saints' Church

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A Message from the Rector: Regathering on July 12

Dear All Saints’ Church Family,

I am pleased to announce that our first Sunday of regathering for public worship is this week at 10 a.m. After months of missing seeing you in person, I am very much looking forward to this opportunity. Of course, as we have announced previously, we will also continue the livestream of our service every Sunday.

Let me take this opportunity to encourage each of us to remember that the decision whether or not to return to public worship at this time is deeply personal, involving many considerations. Neither choice makes any of us more or less spiritual than our brothers and sisters making a different decision. Each of us must prayerfully make the decision which is best for us and for our family during these unusual times. Let’s follow the guidance of Romans 12:10,

“Love one another with brotherly affection.
Outdo one another in showing honor.”

For those who are considering regathering publicly this Sunday, please be sure to watch the video ahead of time. The video provides important information regarding what you can expect as we reopen our doors for Sunday worship. Everyone must also pre-register via the registration link . If registration reaches full capacity, those registering who cannot be accommodated this week will receive first priority for the following week.

We are also asking the following for those attending in person:

  • Plan on arriving early. The church doors will open promptly at 9:30, but it will take time for everyone to be seated.

  • If you have a mask, please bring it with you. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you. Everyone must wear a mask when inside the building.

  • If you have any potential symptoms of COVID-19 or have possibly been exposed to someone infected in the past two weeks, please remain at home

  • Come prepared to worship but also with a patient mindset as we all adjust to the required safety measures.

  • Please bear in mind that we are implementing steps to be responsible in our compliance with guidelines as given by government authorities and consistent with our plan for regathering which required Bishop +John’s approval before moving forward.

I look forward to worshiping together with you this Sunday either in person or by way of our service livestream.

Together with you in His service,
