All Saints' Church

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AFL Christmas Card Design Contest!

Are you or do you know a student with a gift for art? Every year, Anglicans For Life sells Christmas Cards as a fundraiser for Life-Affirming ministry efforts. Last year, they decided to create a cover art design contest open to Anglican students nationwide. The contest was so successful that they decided to continue it this year! Submit your design by July, 31 to be considered!

1. Artist must be a student.
2. Design should be inspired by this year’s card scripture Luke 2:1-20.
3. Artist much sign a release for AFL to print and use their artwork. 
4. Artist must be Anglican.

1. Artwork featured as the AFL Christmas card design for the 2023 Advent season.
2. A $100 gift card
3. Promotion in their newsletter, “Carpe Diem,” and on social media. 
4. One (1) free pack of cards.