All Saints' Church

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Annual Church Picnic: Sunday, November 1 - Please RSVP!

Dear Church Family,

Bishop John Guernsey will be visiting All Saints’ Church on Sunday, November 1 for the 10 a.m. service. Following the service, at noon, you are invited to the traditional Church picnic held on the weekend of the Bishop’s visit. Due to COVID, the picnic will not follow the traditional format. Here are the details:

  • Those attending will have to register online for the picnic. This registration will be in addition to and separate from registering for the service. The registration for both the service and the picnic will end at 5 PM on Friday, October 30. 

  • Provided picnic fare will be a hot dog, chips and a bottle of water all packed in a bag for convenience. Meals will be handed out individually.

  • Please bring your own lawn chair.  The picnic will be held in the lawn area at the rear of the church.  

  • Please park in the rear parking lot if you are attending the picnic only.

  • Social distancing is required between family groups and individuals. 

  • Please bring a mask to facilitate comfortable, safe fellowship.

Separate registration (below) allows us to have an accurate roster of each event. It also provides an opportunity to participate for those who are hesitant to attend an indoor event but are comfortable with an event outside. 

The picnic will follow all required protocols for outdoor activities. We encourage all who feel comfortable in the outdoor environment to attend.

The picnic will be cancelled in case of inclement weather. Information will be posted on the church website.

Heather Adams, Senior Warden

Walt DeHoust, Junior Warden