All Saints' Church

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Children's Ash Wednesday Evening Service Offers 'Make Room' Interactive Lesson

‘Make Room’....7 p.m. on Ash Wednesday!

As we enter into the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday services (6:30 a.m., Noon, 7 p.m.) on Wednesday, February 17, your children are invited to a parallel teaching and activities on Lent during the evening service, especially for children in the children's wing!

A child's view of Lent can be hard to understand as the season travels through frightening places, loaded with themes of self-denial and death. How can children approach this season in a way that is meaningful and not frightening? ‘Make Room’ presents Lent as a special time for creating a welcoming space for God.

‘Make Room’ uniquely connects its projects to the story of Jesus. Simple and practical activities such as baking bread, having a neighbor over for dinner, uncluttering your room and watching less TV become acts of justice and kindness, part of a life of following and imitating Christ and a way to make room for God in our lives and in the world around us. Ages 3 and up.