All Saints' Church

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Families: Stay Connected!

Each week, Tara Pedersen, Director of Children’s Ministry, sends out a weekly update to the families of All Saints’. Though geared toward families with young children, everyone is invited to receive this update! If you would like to be included in the weekly email, please contact Tara. Below is this week’s update. (The weekly videos will delight all ages! Puppets with masks? Precious!)

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Dear Families,

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful ASC Dads out there! “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him. ~Proverbs 20: 7

Romans 8: 26-28 says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. 28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” 

Parenting is full of ups and downs. When we feel too weak, or sad, or sick to pray, the Bible tells us that God knows what is in our hearts and his Spirit prays for us. He cares for us, and loves us, even when we are weak; the Holy Spirit’s power gives us the strength to be strong. He provides what we need to be strong in the Lord. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, and all things come together to His plan, in His timing, in His purposes. 

This Week in ASC Children’s Ministry:

Children's Devotion to Deacon Andy's Sermon (includes Father’s Day printouts) : 

Preschool Storytime-Jesus Calling for Little Ones (with Ms. Susan & 8 year old daughter!): 

Quarantined Pupostle Friends, Father's Day Edition, Armor of God (with the Pachecano family & other youth group friends!): 



Have children under age 6? Or, are a seasoned Mom or Grandma that would be a Mentor Mom? Our church is considering interest for a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group to begin this Fall. If you would be interested in attending an All Saints' Church MOPS Info Meeting on Zoom or in person, please email

Zoom into 'Parents in Prayer'......on Tuesday evening, June 23, 830-9pm!...come get to know other parents from All Saints' in fellowship, and in prayer!  All parents invited to get-together from the comfort of our homes, share family life, and pray for our children. Parents of all ages and stages welcome; moms, dads, single or married. Bring your cup of decaf, and let's get to know one another! Led by Tara Pedersen. Zoom codes emailed out the days prior.

Friday ASC Park Day at Neabsco Boardwalk!...Friday, June 26, 3-430pm , at Neabsco Boardwalk (15125 Blackburn Road, Woodbridge).  All families invited to join in on the ASC Children's Ministry Park Days. Due to Covid restrictions, we will do a 'bikes and trykes' (wagons, skooters, etc-bring your favorite!) along the boardwalk,  instead of playground play.  Older siblings can bring a lawnchair to hang out under the park trees, roller blade, bike, skateboard, or just visit! Come enjoy the outdoors, while getting to know and enjoy other ASC families! Charge up your won't want to miss the photo op with gorgeous flowering plants, butterflies, birds, and beautiful scenery right here in PWC!  All ages welcome. 

All Aboard...for Rocky Railway! We are planning and praying for Rocky Railway VBS to be on track later this summer, although tentative and subject to governmental and ACNA guidelines that may be implemented in the days ahead. As we have all been in a long season of waiting and praying, the preparations for VBS have been very prayerfully centered regarding the state recommendations. We are planning that in the next month the right week will become clear. The Behind the Scenes prep is steam-rolling ahead with all sorts of really cool Rocky Mountain train décor, Worship songs, Bible skits...all prepared by our ASC parishoners right in their own homes. Go God! This year for VBS, our kids, ages 3-5th grade, and their friends, will have an on-site three-hour, weekly morning adventure just waiting for them. Nursery with Miss Asteir and friends will be open for volunteers. We will need lots of helping hands with numerous Crew Leaders (no prep, lead a small group of 5 kids), Snack Moms and Grandmoms, Teen Helpers, Game Leaders, and more....stay tuned for more info on VBS Trainings and Signups!

Rocky Railway VBS Intro Video: 

Joy in Jesus,

ASC Children's Ministry


Tara Pedersen

Children's Ministry Director

All Saints' Church, Woodbridge

14851 Gideon Drive

Woodbridge, VA 22192


All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. ~Isaiah 54:13