All Saints' Church

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Sign Up for the Food Giveaway - July 10

We have been hearing great reports from our community regarding our food giveaways! Thank you for your generosity and service that has made this happen.

Our next parking lot food giveaway is Saturday, July 10. This is another exciting opportunity to bless our community by following the commands of Jesus to help those in need! There are countless ways that you and your family can be involved. From setting up behind the scenes to passing out flyers in the communities that need to hear about the event to serving during the event itself, there are absolutely opportunities for you! 

Sign up to serve and experience the joy of giving firsthand. 

We are also accepting donations leading up to July 10th. You can drop off your donations at the church office.

Food items most needed:

  • Cans of fruit (esp. pineapple or fruit cocktail)

  • Breakfast items (pancake mix and/or cartons of oats)

  • Cornmeal (esp. instant, which is often called Maseca or masa instantanea)

  • Canned vegetables (esp. corn)

  • Canned Chicken

  • Soups (esp. non-condensed)

  • Dry Beans

  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, and bread will be collected Friday, July 9, between 4:30-7:00 p.m.

We could also use:

  • Ramen

  • Dry Pasta (like spaghetti noodles).

  • Treats like cookies, cake mix, chips, etc.

Please pray! This ministry belongs to God and only through Him are we able to make a difference in the lives of others.

Thanks again for all your support and prayers. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy.

“Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor”

Proverbs 22:9