All Saints' Church

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Getting to Know the Church Volunteers- Mary Ferguson

This week, we are featuring the Children’s Ministry at All Saints’ Church through a faithful volunteer who serves each week! Mary Ferguson volunteers in the nursery, Preschool Sunday School class, and a variety of other areas in Children’s Ministry.

We asked her a few questions to get to know her better.

How did you come to All Saints' Church?

My husband moved here, and he found All Saints. The children and I moved five months later. That week started VBS. I offered to help but Mother Valerie, Sandy Sierra and Sandy Gray told me to leave my children, Steph and Robert, there so I could unpack some of the boxes. They told me not to worry that they would use me the next year and I have been teaching in some capacity for the last 25 years.

Where do you work?

Manassas Christian School. I teach math and science for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. I have taught at Manassas Christian School for 24 years

What do you do in All Saints' Children's Ministry?

I teach Preschool Sunday School. I work in the nursery and substitute for children's church. I prepared the coffee for fellowship hour for 12 years until Covid. After that I cleaned the bathrooms between services.

What has led you to serve so faithfully in this ministry?

God led me through my own shadows of death during my divorce. How can I not serve Him in His house. God took my kids and protected them during this time when I couldn't. He led them in ways that I would never have been able to do. I owe God so much that when He calls me, I try to answer. I have known that He blessed me with the gift of teaching, and He has not closed this door to move me somewhere else. I cannot count the blessings he has given me.

How can the church be praying for you?

They can pray that God will take care of my daughter as she is struggling with her depression. That He will help my son to become a true believer in Him. To help me to recognize His blessings

You serve with the preschool Sunday School class almost every Sunday, what is your favorite thing about the 3-5 year olds?

Their love for the Lord and their excitement about God and Jesus. They also give great hugs.

What is your favorite Bible story to teach children?

The story of Ester because she was put in that position for 'such a time as this'. It allows me to show all my students that God has a plan for them, and He puts them in places for such a time as this. It helps to show that they are important to God and to Jesus.

You also faithfully attend the mid-week morning Eucharist- how does that impact your day and the rest of the week?

It allows me to listen to God and to take communion without feeling that I need to be somewhere else. It also grounds me for the rest of the week. I am so thankful for this time with God.

What do you do for fun in the summer when school is out?

I teach swim lessons. It is so great to watch kids who are scared to put their face in the water, suddenly become little fish.

Is there any encouragement you would offer someone considering serving in Children's Ministry?

Let God lead you in how to present the lesson. If you don't want to teach the age your children are, then teach a group that is older or younger than that age group. Enjoy watching how they learn, and give it try.

If you would like more information about Children’s Ministry, you can email Tara to get involved or serve.