All Saints' Church

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New Date: Acolyte Training September 29

Acolyte Training will be offered for all those interested in becoming acolytes, as well as a refresher for current acolytes, after the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, September 29 We’ll begin at 12:30 p.m. in the Administrative Conference Room. Lunch will be provided.

Who may serve as an acolyte?
Acolytes meet these five criteria:

 1) be a baptized and committed Christian and an active follower of Christ,

 2) be nine years of age or older,

 3) commit to faithfully serving at the worship service to which they have been assigned,

 4) faithfully attend Sunday worship services, and

 5) commit to treating fellow Acolytes and other Worship Team members with respect and a spirit of mutual support and encouragement.

Please be in touch with Anita McHargue at or 703-505-4025 by September 25 if you are planning to attend.