All Saints' Church

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Meet Our Summer Intern- Ethan!

This summer, All Saints’ Church has had the joy of Ethan Wills as our intern! He has been helping in a variety of ways with the gifts and skills he brings- including the music ministry, office work, VBS A/V support, and more! We asked him a few questions to get to know him more, and know how we can pray for him, as he heads off to his first year of college in a few short weeks.

How long have you attended All Saints' Church?

I have been attending All Saints' Church since I was born. My parents have been attending since they got married. Myself and all of my siblings were baptized in this church.

What is your favorite memory from your time in the church?

I think my favorite memory of my time at All Saints' would have to be worship during Sunday School when we were back on Saratoga Lane. That was always so much fun and those old worship songs and Sunday School songs will stick with me forever.

How did you find an interest and learn how to play the organ?

I have always loved the organ. It is such a fascinating instrument with an amazing history. The first time I ever played organ was for a memorial service because I was asked if I could, and my response was "Well I would love to try." I have always been really musical but the organ is a whole different undertaking. I would not call myself an organ player because there is so much more to it than I understand and am capable of doing. However, its basics revolve around the same central idea that piano does and I have been playing piano since I was 5. Playing it more and more I've learned about it and understand it on a deeper level but I also know that I am just scratching the surface.

What's your favorite instrument to play?

My favorite instrument to play is probably the piano. While other instruments I play are incredibly fun or very challenging, the piano is like my home and my center. When I am working on music theory things I don't envision a saxophone or a guitar, I think of a piano because that's what comes natural to me.

What are you planning to study at CNU this fall?

At CNU, I am planning to study Applied Physics. I love science and in my Junior year of High School, I took my first physics class and absolutely loved it. I was the person all my friends got help from, and the one who had A's all year long. It inspired me to take AP Physics my senior year and helped me decide what I was interested in for college.

What's your biggest learning lesson or experience from your internship so far?

In the beginning of my internship, Fr. Scott+ had me make a list of goals and things I was hoping to get out of this internship. The first thing on my list was to have a deeper understanding of the structure of the Anglican church and how it compared to the structure of the Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and other churches. Fr. Scott+ and I had a fascinating conversation about that exact thing a few days ago and it was incredibly interesting. I now understand more about the Diocese and how Diocese work in the Anglican church, Archdiocese in the Catholic church, the structure of the Session in the Presbyterian church compared to the Vestry in the Anglican church, and just general practices and differences in liturgy. I have learned more about church structure, liturgy, and the significance of symbols, vestments, and practices than I ever thought I would and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have done that.

How can we pray for you when you go away to college?

I think the biggest thing is probably to pray for peace of spirit and mind as I am making this transition to independence and being self-sufficient. I don't think I am nervous or scared for what I am about to begin, but I do know that there will be times when I will miss being home. I would also like prayer for clarity when I am making decisions that will alter the path of my future. I am still quite undecided when it comes to where I see myself after higher education.