All Saints' Church

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It's Not Too Late to Join a Sunday School Class!

Last Sunday we kicked off two new Adult Education offerings during the Sunday School hour! If you missed last week, you can still jump in to one of the new series!

Who is Jesus? will be in the sanctuary and explores the context of Jesus from all of Scripture. The Selfless Way of Christ will take place in the admin conference room for a discussion based study on Henri Nowen’s book of the same title. Read more about each below:

Who is Jesus?

Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Imagine you are with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. How do you answer His question? Who is Jesus? Come explore Scripture, “beginning with Moses and all the Prophets”, and may “our hearts burn within us” as Jesus opens the Scriptures to us about Himself. Bring you Bible and a desire to explore what the Old and New Testaments have to say about our Lord. This class will meet in the Sanctuary during the Education Hour (9:45-10:45 am, Sunday mornings) beginning April 24 and is open to all.  

The Selfless Way of Christ: A Book Study

This great little book by Henri Nouwen is one Father Scott has referred to in his sermons several time. And the Nouwen Society has published a discussion guide to go with it. The book itself is less than 70 pages but those pages are filled with the insights of a very wise and godly man. Participants will read the book on their own and join the discussion as we consider his thoughts together. The book is available on Amazon for $19 in paperback and $10.99 in Kindle. We also have 4 copies at church for $15 each – available on a first come, first serve basis. The group will meet in the Admin. Conference Room during the Education Hour (9:45-10:45 am, Sunday mornings) beginning April 24.