All Saints' Church

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Serve in Music & AV!

We are looking for new volunteers for both music and audio and visuals.


The music team is a combination of both singers and musicians who lead the church in worship every Sunday morning. If you are interested in volunteering for the worship team, here are some requirements we are asking for. In order to serve you must....

  • be a committed Christian and have actively been attending the church for 6 months

  • be able to attend rehearsals on Thursday 7pm-9pm

  • be able to serve during both services on the Sunday you are scheduled

  • be able to commit to serving twice a month at the minimum

  • provide your own instrument (depending on the instrument you play)

  • Contact Ethan at to get connected


The AV Team serves by controlling both the sound and slides during services.

We are in need of 2 volunteers to serve during the 8:15am service, and 3 volunteers to serve during the 11am service. If able, we would like you to be able to serve every Sunday during 1 service. Can't serve every Sunday? That's ok! You can sign up to serve as regularly as you are able. We also are in need of volunteers to serve during additional events and services as they come up. No previous experience is required to serve.

Contact Jason at to get connected