All Saints' Church

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Sharing God's Word with Storytime at the Park!

When a mom who attends the weekly Storytime at the Park mentioned she was reading the Bible to her son, but was looking for a kid-friendly option, Children’s Ministry Director Tara Pedersen had just what she needed!

All Saints’ Church weekly Storytime at Cloverdale Park has provided an opportunity for moms in the community to gather with their children, hear a story, and enjoy a craft. Tara has also connected with moms in different stages of their life- some who attend church, and some who don’t. One part of this ministry has been providing Jesus Storybook Bibles to families who show an interest in hearing more about God’s word.

“After reading a Christmas story, and wrapping up a Christmas craft with the moms and children, one mom shared with me that she was reading Luke 2 during December with her 3 year old.” Tara explains, “She shared that he often loses interest before the reading is done, and asked what version of the Bible is child-friendly. This gave me an opportunity to share the Jesus Storybook Bible with her, and I asked her if I could bring her one next week. She was delighted! Another mom asked for an extra Bible Verse sticker; not for her child, but for herself. Several mothers from Storytime that have had babies received baby blankets from the ASC Needlework Ministry as well!”

Thank you, Tara for continuing to be a presence in the community, showing the light of Christ, and sharing God’s Word! If you would like to know how you can support this important community ministry email Tara.