"Souper" Bowl of Caring
Be a Game Changer with the 2023 SouperBowl of Caring! Everyone wins when we tackle hunger!
Sunday, February 5 bring food donations to All Saints’ Church to support food-insecure families in Dale City!
Label your donations KC CHIEFS, PHIL EAGLES, or COMMERCIALS to root for your favorite team! Each food item will be counted to determine the winner, which will be announced on Superbowl Sunday, February 12. The food will be distributed at the February food giveaway on Saturday, February 11.
Suggested Food Donations
Canned or boxed soups and ramen (double points!)
Canned vegetables and fruit
Pasta and Pasta sauce (no glass, please)
Kitchen staples (oil, flour, sugar, etc.)
Canned meats (tuna, chicken, etc.)
Dry or canned beans and rice
Breakfast items (pancake mix, oats, etc.)