All Saints' Church

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Summit for Life 2021

Anglicans for Life is holding its annual Summit for Life in virtual and interactive modes over two Saturdays in January. This program is an outstanding compilation of issues surrounding the Sanctity of Life from natural conception and birth through natural death.

The key dates are Jan. 16 and Jan. 23. January 16 is live and interactive beginning at 10 a.m. and running until 3 p.m. The Jan. 23 meeting also runs from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. featuring a series of pre-recorded presentations on various aspects of these life issues. Details are at Summit 2021 - Anglicans For Life.

Registrations are now open and it is important to register and pay the registration fee online ($25) as you will receive an access code to use for both sessions the Summit. Your registration also provides our local Point of Contact (Ed Speare) with your e-mail address, as part of the program is an internal local Zoom meeting to discuss responses to what we have heard and seen during the morning presentations as an All Saints’ group.

If several people want to gather at someone’s home and participate together, only one registration need be completed to cover that home meeting; however, despite the references to church-wide “Watch Parties” on the Anglicans for Life web site, All Saints’ is not hosting any church wide gatherings due to COVID issues. For youth (16 and under), Fr. Jedd is registering the All Saints’ Church Youth as a group and will distribute a code to those youth who contact him desiring to attend the event wherever they wish to view the event and follow the Youth track.

Questions overall? Contact Ed at 703-878-7706 or by email. For questions on the Youth portion of the Summit, contact Fr. Jedd, or phone him through the church office.