All Saints' Church

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Will you pray for our team headed to Camp Booyah?

All Saints’ Family,

Our youth are headed to one the best weeks of the entire year: Camp Booyah in Scottsville, VA. thanks to the support (financial and prayerful) of so many of you! Will you please continue to pray for our time away and for the following days after?

Please pray for each of us by name (see the list below).

Pray for enduring friendships among our youth and leaders, for opportunities to form new connections with members from other churches, for a week filled with fun and beautiful weather, and most importantly, for a deepening relationship with the Lord, so we may more fully understand His sacrificial love for each of us.


Esther Goeller

Gwendolyn Goeller

Susannah Pedersen

Sarah-Joy Reichert

Laurel Weber

Madelyn Wills

Isaac Fair

Leo Manning

Sam McHargue

Isaac McHargue

John Weatherman


Briana Grant

Lilliana McCloy

Reilly Pachecano

Heidi Reichert

Jedd Trenum

Jason Wills