All Saints' Church

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It Wouldn’t Be the Same Without You….

Ladies of All Saints’ Church, ages 16 and up, are invited to a women’s retreat held at All Saints’ Church on Friday evening, February 24th through Saturday, February 25th. 

This retreat will include time for worship, breaking bread (meals together—hooray!), fellowship, and quiet reflection—time to connect (or reconnect) with God, ourselves, and one another. We invite you to prayerfully hear our Lord’s call to set aside this time to meet with Him, to be renewed and refreshed in Him.

  • Friday, Feb. 24 at 5 PM: Our international potluck supper begins  You are invited to contribute a dish/food representing your culture or country of origin,  or simply one of your favorites!  We’ll end the evening at 9:30.

  • Saturday, Feb. 25 at 8 AM: Breakfast begins (with plenty of delicious, healthy choices) First session begins at 9 AM and the retreat ends at 5:30 PM

Cost: $20.00. Scholarships are available. 

Questions or concerns? Get in touch with Sharon McKannon at 703-629-0732. Or email 

Lord, thank you for offering us time with You—apart from our daily activities; time to rest, to listen, to receive Your gifts. Bless us richly, both individually and corporately.