All Saints' Church

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YOUTH!! Food Pantry, Pizza, & Frolf

Youth! Please help prepare for a really important event coming up here at All Saints' Church.

On March 20, All Saints' Church will hold its first distribution of food from our pantry. But we need to get prepared for that day the week before on March 13.

So, it's all hands on deck on March 13. We'll help get things prepared, then enjoy some pizza and head outside to play a round or two of 'frolf' (yes, it's a real game). If we have bad weather, then we'll hang out inside and play jackbox games and pictionary.

We'll meet here at the church and do the prep work from 2-3:30 p.m., then pizza and frolf until 5. All middle and high school students are invited to join us.

More details and registration here.