This Sunday, we will meet in person! The same social distancing precautions will be in effect: maintaining six-feet distances and wearing masks while inside and outside.
Since this is Superbowl Sunday, let's meet at 3:30 p.m. so you can get home to watch the big game! Or the commercials! Or none of the above!
It's supposed to be pretty cold, possibly some rain and snow as well, so I think we'll be inside the whole time.
We're starting chapter 1 of Can I Ask That?, and we'll only cover pp. 16-23. Spend some time this week reading over those pages. You'll notice that there are a few discussion questions for you to answer on pages 18, 19, 20, and 22. Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts in the empty word bubbles on those pages so that you can share them in small groups, if you want, when we meet on Sunday.
Please RSVP in advance (below) so we can organize the chairs properly.