Serving Our Neighbors
All Saints’ Food Pantry
Do you need food?
If you need groceries, we would love for you to come to our next food giveaway: The second Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to Noon. If you need groceries sooner, please contact the church office at 703-670-0093.
Si necesita comida, nos encantaría que viniera a nuestro próximo despensa de comida: El 2ndo sábado de cada mes entre 10 a.m. y 12 p.m. Si necesita comida antes, comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia al 703-670-0093.
Our mission is simple:
We demonstrate God’s love t
o ANYONE in need b
y providing nutritious food i
n a dignified, respectful, and timely manner.
Ways to Serve
Monthly Food Giveaways
Every second Saturday from 10 a.m.-Noon
Countless ways to serve before, during, and after each food giveaway
Join us in blessing our community by making sure individuals and families have enough food (including fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, and bread)
Love Gardening? Adopt a garden box in our church gardens to grow food for our local community. No experience is necessary! Our seasoned gardeners are happy to work with anyone who desires to help. Contact Tammy if you are interested.
We accept non-perishable food donations at any time. Bring them into the atrium during any service or drop food off in the bin outside the main doors at other times. While all food is helpful, some items that are most needed include:
Maseca (masa instantanea)
Pancake mix
Cartons of Oats
Pasta sauce
The Friday evening before each food giveaway, we invite you to bring in fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, and/or milk products. The kitchen is open from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. to receive your generous donations.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35