The Nursery
All Saints’ Church offers three unique nurseries for the children from birth through the age of four: Infant, Wobbler, and Toddler. Each space is thoughtfully equipped with developmentally appropriate toys and books, and lovingly staffed by paid employees and dedicated volunteers. The nurseries are located just down the hall from the Sanctuary inside the Children's Wing. Doors that allow the top to open separately connect the three nurseries; this helps us keep a steady flow of communication between our three different areas for little ones. We think you'll find each nursery just right for meeting the developmental needs of the children for which it was designed!
Nurseries are open on Sunday mornings for the 8:15 a.m. service, the Discipleship hour (9:45-10:45 a.m.) and for the 11 a.m. church service. The infant nursery is also open for large church events for which arrangements have been specifically made. For other events during the week infants may be dropped off for care in the toddler nursery.
Paid staff and volunteers are trained prior to working in the nurseries. Occasionally, mature teens work alongside experienced infant nursery volunteers or staff.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Tara Pedersen ( or Asteir Shokai ( at 703-670-0093.
Parents are welcome in any of our nurseries for the purposes of nursing, feeding, changing, or comforting their children at any time!
Registering Your Child in Our Nurseries
When first visiting All Saints' Church, you will be asked to register your children to let us know more about your children and how you would like us to care for them. Please visit the Welcome/Check-in center (booth just outside the children's wing entrance) to register your child or you can fill out the registration form.
Nursery Check-in
To check in your registered child, please see the Welcome/Check-In center on Sunday mornings. To keep our children safe, parents and children will be given matching ID bracelets. Children will be released only after staff has made sure that the child's and parent's bracelets match.
All Saints' Sick-Child Policy
Please help us keep our nurseries a safe and healthy environment for all our little ones by not bringing your children to the nurseries when they are sick. Please read All Saints' Sick-Child Nursery policy. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding!
Infant Nursery
The infant nursery is located immediately inside the doors of the Children's Wing. It provides a calm and comfy environment with several cushy rockers for parents to rock or feed their little ones. Diaper changing tables are available, stocked with plenty of diapers should parents have a need. Baby swings and exer-saucers make this nursery a perfect place for little ones to experience the love of Jesus. Parents have the ability to listen to the service live via closed-circuit audio while in this nursery.
Wobbler Nursery
We consider wobblers those children who are actively mobile, but not quite full-fledged toddlers yet (ages 1 to 2 is a good starting point.) Wobblers have very different needs from infants and toddlers and we are pleased to have created an inviting space just for them!
The Wobbler Nursery sits between the Infant and Toddler nurseries. Wobblers will delight in playing with colorful soft-form tunnels and slides to chunky interactive toys. A fully stocked changing table and rocking chair that this is a practical space too for parents who need to use the nursery. Wobblers will be invited to sit on the snack blanket for a finger-food snack (Cheerios or similar) and will be offered sippy cups of juice.
The Wobbler Nursery is open during the 9:45-10:45 a.m. Discipleship hour and the 11 a.m. service. During the 8:15 service, parents may leave their wobbler-aged child for care in our Toddler Nursery.
Toddler Nursery
Our Toddler Nursery is adjacent to the Infant and Wobbler nurseries. It is open each Sunday morning during the 8:15 and 11 a.m. services, as well as during the 9:45 -10:45 a.m. Discipleship hour.
The Toddler Nursery is equipped with toys and books suitable for various toddler ages, a diaper changing table, extra supplies such as diapers, baby wipes, a table and chairs for play and for snack time (apple juice and either graham, animal, or goldfish crackers), comfortable chairs for holding and comforting children. In the toddler nursery, your child will be welcomed in to experience the love of Jesus. We offer free-play, kid-friendly worship music, and occasional age-appropriate lessons, crafts, or activities. A toddler-sized toilet is available in the restroom within the Toddler Nursery. Once a child has reached the age of four, they may “graduate” to the Pre-K class during the Sunday School hour.