Our Vestry

The Vestry currently consists of the Rector and 10 elected lay members. Each elected lay member serves a 3-year term. The Vestry provides oversight in the temporal activities, business affairs, and property of the Church; assists the Rector in providing spiritual leadership and oversight of the ecclesiastical affairs of the Church; prays regularly for the Church and its mission; and serves as a resource for godly counsel, biblical wisdom, and accountability for the Rector and other clergy of the Church.

Simon Cronje, Senior Warden

Email: wardens@allsaintswoodbridge.org

Anne Coppersmith, Junior Warden

Email: wardens@allsaintswoodbridge.org

TC Andrews

Helba Butler


Jon Fair (Registrar)

Wil Powers

Scott Reichert

Sue Samplaski

Kat Zwingle

2024 Vestry Commissioning