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Frolf Friday (aka "Frisbee Golf Friday")

Have you ever wanted to hurl things at church property?

Here’s your chance!

Carl is setting up a Frolf course on the church grounds for a a fun after-Thanksgiving, burn off the calories event for youth. (Parents are welcome to attend, too!)

What is “Frolf” you ask? We wondered the same thing.

The official frolf website describes it best:

Frolf, like Disc Golf, is played among groups with a disc (originally a Frisbee disc). That’s about where the similarities end. Frolf, unlike Disc Golf, is a freeform amorphous ever changing game that can be played anywhere and everywhere in the world. Frolf has been compared to Golf, but Disc Golf is more similar to Golf than Frolf is to Golf. Frolf has also been compared to Calvinball, and Calvinball is similar, although much more anarchistic than Frolf.

Still confused?

Us, too. Carl will help because….

The Spirit of the Game is the only standing rule of the game. All else is up for discussion and negotiation by the players and innocent bystanders on the field.

From the videos and information from the Frolf website, it appears, we will leave Friday as new “Frolfers” and we will never be the same. Do not miss this!!


Please RSVP so we can order enough pizza!