This public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ takes place during Sunday morning worship on or near five occasions each year: Pentecost, All Saints' Day, The Baptism of Our Lord (the Sunday after the Epiphany), and Easter Eve (a Saturday evening service). In addition, baptism usually takes place once during the summer months. Through either the pouring on of water, or immersion in water, we are cleansed of our sins, incorporated into the Body of Christ, and called to ministry in the Name of Jesus.
Almighty and everlasting Father, in your great mercy you saved Noah and his family in the Ark from the destruction of the flood, prefiguring the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Look mercifully upon these your servants. Wash and sanctify them through your Holy Spirit, that they may be delivered from destruction and received into the Ark of Christ’s Church; and being steadfast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in love, they may pass through the turbulent floods of this troublesome world and come into the land of everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP, 2019)