VBS Celebration Sunday
Celebrate with us on Sunday, July 28 at one combined VBS Sunday Celebration service at 10 a.m.! Have your children wear their VBS t-shirts and join in on all the VBS songs to celebrate friendship with Jesus. Activity bags will be provided for each child. Come watch the VBS slideshow! Nursery provided for ages 5 and under.
Following the 10 a.m. service, everyone is invited to the VBS Celebration Picnic at 11:30 a.m. Hot dogs, chips, watermelon, a Moonbounce, SCUBA gear, Slip ‘n’ Slide for the kids, trykes, and, of course, VBS games and music will all be part of the festivities! Bring a lawn chair. An extra-large covered tent with tables and chairs will also be available to provide shade.