We Welcome the Newly Baptized!
We celebrate and welcome the newly baptized into the family of God! These individuals were baptized on October 22, 2023.
Vickie Wainscoat
Justin Barnes
Zoey Temperance Barnes
Sophia Camille Trenum
We receive you into the fellowship of the Church. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share with us in the royal priesthood of all his people.

WGTS 91.9 Visits All Saints' Church!
The WGTS Ice Cream Tour at All Saints' was an amazing event with free ice cream, games, prizes, music & over 700 people! Thank you to all who contributed to help host the event, including ASC volunteers who contributed to setup, take down, lead games, prayed for folks in the prayer tent, distributed ice cream, and more!
Stellar Vacation Bible School
Enjoy some of the STELLAR memories from Vacation Bible School. You can see even more photos in this Facebook album.
Youth at Camp Booyah!
Road to Resurrection 2023
Easter Vigil and Baptisms 2023
February Food Giveaway!

Booyah Brr! 2023
All Saints’ Youth enjoyed the 2nd annual Anglican Youth Ministry winter retreat this past weekend!
So what is The Booyah Brrrr!?
Fun! Rope courses, zip lines, archery, shooting range, field games, and bonfires just to name a few!
Friends! Now, more than ever, we all need community! As we have seen during this time, youth are desperately in need of space to connect and relax with friends. One of our goals for the weekend was to provide the space to do that.
Faith! Middle and high school students also need time to decompress and draw near to the Lord, without the distraction of complicated learning environments and social media. Every day, we were taught from the Word and have time to process it alone and with others.
Enjoy photos and videos from the weekend below!
Karoke night
Driving range fun
PacMan/Maze Tag fun in the mud
A Visit from the Three Kings
Children's Christmas Pageant - 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
The Living Nativity 2022

Happy Retirement, Bp. John & Meg!
Thanks to Your Generosity Students Experienced Joy This Week!
Friday, August 19 several representatives from All Saints’ Church attended the Neabsco Elementary Back to School Fair to bring the 91 backpacks filled with school supplies donated during the VBS week! About 400 families came through, and many stopped by the All Saints’ Church table. We gave out fresh produce from the church gardens and gave kids fun tattoos and All Saints' Church water bottles in addition to the flyers about upcoming events and Food Giveaways! What a joy to serve the community!
Monumental Vacation Bible School!
WGTS Ice Cream Social
Road to Resurrection 2022
Easter Vigil Service (Renewal of Baptism Vows & Baptism)
April Food Giveaway!
Booyah Brrr! Youth Retreat
Although the winter retreat to Camp Booyah Brr was cut a little short due to inclement weather, our teens had an incredible experience filled with teachings, worship, games, outdoor activities, cabin time and pure JOY!