Serving Those in Need
The Hilda Barg Homeless Prevention Center, operated by Northern Virginia Family Services, is a 30-bed family shelter open 24/7 year-round. Services include: Family Emergency Shelter, Case Management, Housing Location Services, and Emergency Food Assistance.
Location: 14945 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Woodbridge
Streetlight Ministries exists to provide the area homeless population with vital services which include providing hot meals. All Saints' Church provides meals three to four times each year.
Location: Pathway Vineyard Church, 1550 Prince William Pkwy., Woodbridge
Helping Serve Those in Need
The All Saints' family prepares and serves a home-cooked dinner to those in need in our community. If you'd like to prepare something special, serve it to someone special, or just hang out with someone special, stop by the sign-up table in the Atrium prior to each event.