Children- Sharing God's Love: The Jesus Creed for Children

Children- Sharing God's Love: The Jesus Creed for Children

Children will apply the truths of Sharing God's Love: The Jesus Creed for Children through interactive lessons, games, and activities each Sunday School during the Lent season. Children will memorize the Jesus Creed and then identify specific ways they can apply the Jesus Creed in their daily lives-loving God and loving others.

The book is available for your family as a supplement and companion to what your children will be experiencing during their Sunday morning teaching. It is in print at Amazon for $15.99 This short story version captures the best of the Jesus Creed in a form that Children can understand.

Adults- Spiritual Practices to Strengthen Your Walk

Adults- Spiritual Practices to Strengthen Your Walk

Another option for adults during the Sunday School hour will include a series on spiritual practices. This will be a series of 1-week workshops on various spiritual practices. Each will include a short teaching on the practice, some time to experience it (if appropriate), some helpful ways to integrate the practice in your own life and some resources for further reading and reflection.