All Saints' Church

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A Note from the Rector, November 5, 2020

Dear All Saints’ Church Family,

I want to begin by once again thanking each of you for your faithful ministry and support as a part of our congregation. We have a number of exciting opportunities for everyone to participate in serving through time, talents, and treasure between now and the beginning of the new year. 

First, please continue to prayerfully seek God’s leading regarding your pledge for the coming year. I am reminded of the word of the Lord in Malachi regarding the biblical tithe--“...thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing.”

This Sunday we will come together to place our pledges on the altar (both in person and virtually). If you haven’t already, please be in prayer regarding what God is calling each of us to do in proportion to how he continues to provide and bless us. Please be sure to bring your pledge card in person, return it by mail, or submit it via the church website or newsletter link.

We also have a range of wonderful opportunities for outreach to our community. First, we are working to significantly expand our All Saints’ Food Pantry Outreach during this time of need for so many people. There are opportunities to serve on this team during the hours the food pantry is open and also to serve in pre-packing bags of groceries and maintaining our food stock. What a great way for families to serve together! Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton by phone (703.670.0093) or email to volunteer or for more information.

There are a number of other ways to serve coming up. Please be watching in coming newsletters for more information about Operation Turkey, Un-trim a Tree, our new drive-through living nativity outreach, and Christmas service. There are opportunities for everyone!

Finally, please remember to bring your Operation Christmas Child boxes to church with you on Sunday, November 15 or drop them by the church office before that day. We will bless these boxes and pray for the children who will be receiving them during the Sunday morning service on November 15. The boxes will then be sent out early the following week.

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Together with You in His Service.
