All Saints' Church

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All Saints’ Meals Ministry

All Saints’ Meals Ministry provides short-term meals for congregants recuperating from illness, surgery, childbirth or a death in the immediate family.

By “short term,” we mean every other day for a period of two weeks. A new request can be sent out if the need for meals extends beyond two weeks. Please contact Deacon Julie Tilton when you need, or know of someone who needs, meals. Julie or her meals’ assistant Kim Russell will contact the person in need to get the specifics. 

We use a program called Take Them A Meal to send out meal requests to parishioners who would like to be part of this ministry. Name, address, phone number, allergies, special diet needs, and food preferences will be in the body of the request. We can always use more people who are willing to receive and respond to requests for meals. There is no requirement that you sign up every time you receive this request. Our parish family is spread over a large area, and by having many people on the list to receive meal requests, you can pick and choose the locations and dates that work best for you. Please contact Julie Tilton or Kim Russell to be added to this list. We continue to update this email list. If you are receiving requests but do not wish to, please email Julie or Kim Russell.