All Saints' Church

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Children's & Family Ministry - Here's the Latest!

If you are not yet on the mailing list for the newsletter from Tara Pedersen, Children’s Ministry Director at All Saints’, here is the latest news. Contact Tara to be added to the weekly updates via email. There are so many opportunities to grow and serve together!

Coming up in All Saints’ Children's Ministry:

After School Park Day - Friday, October 23, 4:30 p.m. at Neabsco Creek Boardwalk Park & Playground (15125 Blackburn Road, Woodbridge). Pack up the kids, bikes and trikes, and get on your walking shoes. Let’s connect with our church families in no better place than the great outdoors while we celebrate Friday! We will meet at the playground and head down the boardwalk at 4:45 p.m.

THIS Tuesday-Book Discussion for Parents! It’s never too late to join! Join in twice a month on Tuesday evenings, beginning September 22, by Zoom (and on occasion at Panera for a MNO!) from 7-8 p.m. for discussion of a beloved bestseller, Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices of Everyday Life by Tish Harrison Warren. In the overlooked moments and routines of our day, we can become aware of God's presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred? Framed around one ordinary day, this book explores daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each chapter looks at something―making the bed, brushing her teeth, losing her keys―that the author does every day. Drawing from the diversity of her life as a campus minister, Anglican priest, friend, wife, and mother, Tish Harrison Warren opens up a practical theology of the everyday. Each activity is related to a spiritual practice as well as an aspect of our Sunday worship. Come and discover the holiness of your every day. Contact Tara via email for the Zoom link.

Shine Your Light: With Halloween coming up, it’s easy for many Christians to spend the eve keeping the house closed up, turning out the lights, and ignoring the trick or treaters. With Covid-19, many neighborhoods are even canceling festivities. All Saints’ encourages families to be the light in their neighborhood on this otherwise typically dark night, even during this unusual season. Turn all the lights on, open your door, smile and visit with your neighbors (socially distant with masks!), offer them a bottle of water, invite them for a cup of cider on the porch, or gift an elderly neighbor with a pumpkin or an outdoor visit. If you’d like to give out candy, the internet has so many creative ways of doing that safely. Shine your light, the light of Christ, as brightly as you can!

Celebrate Confirmation & Affirmation: Sunday, Nov. 1, at 10 a.m. service (in person!) and on live stream. Bishop John will receive individuals into All Saints’ Church.  We will enjoy a picnic on the church grounds after the service, with individually wrapped lunches. Come out and enjoy reconnecting and say hello to Bishop John!

Fall Family Fellowship: Saturday, Nov. 7, 1 p.m., at River Mill Park (407 Mill St, Occoquan Historic District), Occoquan) & Mom’s Apple Pie Bakery! Connect with your church family at a hidden gem of Prince William County. We will meet up at the gorgeous scenic overview cross bridge and walk the paved walking trail along the river. (feel free to bring bikes & trikes!) Then, drive over to the bakery for a seasonal treat or beverage.

Prepare a gift for a child (Yes! Christmas is coming!): Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project, brings joy and hope to needy children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Since 1993, more than 100 million shoe box gifts have been delivered to children in more than 130 countries and All Saints’ Church has sent thousands of them!  Shoeboxes are available in the Atrium or the church office, with instructions for packing, Monday-Thursday before 4 p.m., and of course on Sunday mornings. We are blessed that the All Saints’ Youth, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), and American Heritage Girls will also be contributing to this outreach event!  All Saints’ OCC Collection Date is Sunday, Nov. 15, or any day Monday-Thursday by 4 p.m. to the church office. Let's come together to gift a child not only with quality items that they may not normally have access to, but also with the gospel message of Jesus Christ!

EVERY Wednesday - Children's Story Time: All nursery and elementary-aged children are invited to a weekly Story Time every Wed. at 10 a.m. in the church backyard! Come enjoy an All Saints’ friend, read a quality children's story to your children, enjoy a playful activity or game, a prayer of blessing over the children...and then playtime and friendship on the playground! A parent or caregiver is requested to stay with your child(ren). Invite a friend! Every Wednesday with good weather. Children will sit on a spaced sit-u-pon mat, or a family blanket. Parents, please bring your mask.

MOPS Mondays! MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) will meet on Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon, in the church backyard or in the local Parks beginning Monday, September 21. Bring your kids! Contact our new Coordinator Rachel for more info at MOPS is intended for mothers of children ages 6 and under. Moms with older children are welcome as Mentor Moms.

Register your child for Children’s Ministry 2020-21 School Year! Whether you plan to have your child involved in-person on Sundays, on Zoom…..with Wednesday Story Time….weekly or on occasion…..please register your child(ren) (one time for the entire year) so that we can communicate with you and have your info ready to go at our fingertips upon arrival:

Children’s Church is here!…in-person and on Zoom! Children’s church is offered during the 10 a.m. Sunday Service (9:30 a.m. arrival time), “in-person” in the church backyard, and on Zoom from 11:30 a.m.-noon. Parents can attend the service while children will have a time of their own, OR if they are unable to come to church, a Zoom offering is available. The NEW ‘Simply Loved’ curriculum will be used for ages 3 through 6th grade, as children explore New and Old Testaments, and discover friendship with Jesus throughout God’s story. ‘Simply Loved’ curriculum was created with the truth found in 1 John 4:7 which says, “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.” Simply Loved-where Kids experience God’s Greatest Gift!

Help with front office: The front office needs a few volunteers to answer phones and greet visitors a few hours during the week (think half day on any day you prefer, Monday-Thursday). It’s a fun way to connect with people coming and going at church! Parents are welcome to bring their older elementary kids and older, to do schoolwork in the admin conference room.