All Saints' Church

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Meet Our New Communications Director

Greetings to all the Saints! I’m Beth Bogard Vander Wel, and I’m thrilled to be the new Communications Director for All Saints’ Church. I came on board this summer and I’m delighted to be serving under Father Scott’s leadership and working with such a terrific team of clergy and staff.

I have been fascinated by the power of words and stories since I can remember. I majored in English and my work life has always included some form of writing and editing. I’ve had the privilege of serving as Director of Communications at both the parish and diocesan levels as well as working for Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry (now Trinity Anglican Seminary) and the Coalition for Christian Outreach, a campus ministry organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I was born in Pittsburgh, grew up in Montgomery County, Maryland, and came to faith in Christ as a teenager through the youth ministry of a local Presbyterian church. I was confirmed in the Episcopal church as an adult and have a deep love for the Anglican tradition.

My husband Brian is Rector of Christ Church Accokeek, a colonial parish in southern Maryland that became part of the ACNA and the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic in April 2021. Our son Doug is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh.

I'm excited to be part of the ministry of All Saints’ and eager to see what God has in store! Share your suggestions and stories with me at