All Saints' Church

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It is time again for Un-Trim-A-Tree!  (We need you!)

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it also for me.” Matthew 25:40

It is time again for Un-Trim-A-Tree!  In these trying times we want to make sure that we spread the love of the Christ child to as many children in need as possible.

We are a little late getting started due to turnover in staff in the Prince William County Public School system. We have a very short turnaround. All Saints’ is supporting 75 children from local school districts, 2 gifts for each child. These children are from newborn to 13 years old. In most cases we have the first name of the child.

Because of Covid-19 concerns we cannot have a Christmas tree with names on it in the lobby. Instead, an online sign-up list is provided here. Sign up for as many children as you feel led to.  Keep the amount for each gift to about $35.00 or less. If the gift is too expensive, substitute an age-appropriate gift, or provide a gift card. 

In most cases we were not given sizes. A gift card or a receipt for clothing will suffice. 

You can easily see numbers associated with each child plus an “a” for the first gift or a “b” for the second gift. It is very important that these numbers and letters be written on a card or piece of paper and taped to the unwrapped gift. It is the only way we will be able to match your gifts with the appropriate children. 

Please drop off your gifts at the front of the church on Thursday, December 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. and Monday December 14 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Drive up to the main doors and stay in your car. Someone will come out to get your gifts from you. Gifts should be unwrapped with name, numbers, and the letter a or b attached. 

Please let us know if you want to help, but cannot shop for or drop off your gifts. 

With Sincerest Thanks,

The All Saints’ Church Un-Trim-A-Tree Team

Lisa Fair & Lindsey Powers