Sunday Evenings- Foundations for Ministry- Year 1



  • An adult Bible study course designed for those willing to make a commitment to daily Bible study.  

  • Intended for those who wish to deepen their understanding of Scripture and our Christian heritage.  

  • It will also equip you to meet the challenges of ministry in the Church and in the world.

Course Format 
It is a two-year course of Bible study.  It is divided into two academic years. 

  • Year 1: Old Testament (Beginning September 10, 2023)

  • Year 2: New Testament (Fall 2024)*

Participants commit to one year of study at a time.  
* Participants must complete Year 1 to be eligible to enroll in Year 2.

Weekly Meetings and Small Groups 
Each week there will be a short teaching session and small group discussion. 

Discussions are based on the weekly homework and include topics such as Bible study skills, personal application, scriptural content, theological concepts, and interpretation of Scripture. 

The program requires a commitment to daily study, homework, class attendance, and a willingness to share within a small group. 

Foundations groups form a close-knit environment for participants to share what they are learning, and grow in their knowledge of Scripture and their relationship with the Lord and one another. 

Beginning on September 10, the class will meet on Sunday evenings from 4-6 p.m. The class will meet at the church from September to June, breaking for 3 weeks at Christmas, 1 week at Easter and 1 week at Memorial Day. 

Course Materials 

  • A participant’s workbook ($40/participant/year and only available from All Saints’)

  • An approved study bible (study notes and tools in these versions are used as part of the study):** 

  • ESV Study Bible

  • NASB Study Bible 
    NIV Study Bibles: The NIV Study Bible, 1984 Edition may also be used. This version is no longer available for sale but may be used if you already own one. Newer versions are not accurate and may not be used for this course.

**Please consult the course leader if you have any questions. 

An optional textbook is suggested for each year but not required.

Homework will take approximately one-half hour per day and is completed ahead of weekly group meetings. 

Course Leaders
This class is led by qualified teachers and group leaders. Those teaching have many years of Bible study training and experience. Those leading the small groups are dedicated leaders with both small group and Bible experience. 
Attending weekly class meetings is an essential part of the class experience. Themes and lessons build on one another from week to week. Participants must attend at least 80% of the weekly meetings to be eligible for a certificate of completion.

Please contact Desiree Barker or Jim Morrison if you have any questions.

“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with  God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the  apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” 

Ephesians 2:19-20