Thursday Evenings- Women's Bible Study

Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith

The bride of Jesus Christ in our generation is nearly paralyzed by unbelief. God is calling His bride to a fresh and lavish anointing of faith. This study examines the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others as examples of persons who believed God. In this 10-week Beth Moore Bible Study, participants will explore this vital topic. Quoting Beth: “God is so much more than we have yet acknowledged and experienced. He is capable of tremendously more than we have witnessed. I have become utterly convinced that we see so little primarily because we believe Him for so little. Here's the great news: God wants to change all that!"

Join us in-person on Thursday evenings from 7-9 p.m. beginning September 9, in the Admin Conference Room. Workbooks for the course are $15 ea. and will be available on the first night of class. Contact Desiree Barker in the church office or by phone at 703-670-0093 if you have questions.