Wednesday Evening - Embrace the Journey

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CLASS IS FULL - Registration is closed

We will be doing an introductory session on Wednesday, September 16 at 7 p.m. for those who would like to explore this topic or ask questions before starting the full course.

Covid19 has turned our world upside down; we now talk of our “new normal.” There has been a lot of reports on the number of deaths as a result of this pandemic.  As much as most of us would rather not think about it, aging and dying are not only normal but universal. Not only will all of us die one day, but many of us will care for parents, family, and friends going through the aging and dying process. All Saints’ will be offering a course this fall on aging and dying.

Embrace the Journey is an 8-week adult education series designed to help you and your church understand and apply God’s Word to end of life issues.  Topics include the biblical view of life, preparing for the golden years, advance directives and advanced care plans, health care, hastening death, funeral plans and the role of the church in suffering and grief. Other sections can be added as needed. Each week’s session has a short video followed by group discussion. Registration is required; please register using the button below, so we can send you class information and have a Participant Guide ready for you. Each Participant Guide is $20 and includes the Finishing Life: Preparing for the End of Life booklet and full scripts from the video teaching. Couples can purchase an extra copy of Finishing Life for $5 each. This course will meet via Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. beginning September 23. If you have further questions please call or email Desiree Barker at the church office 703-670-0093 or at