A Beautiful Day at First Fruits Farm

It was a beautiful day on the farm! Parishioners from All Saints’ traveled to First Fruits Farm in Freeland, Maryland on September 4 to help harvest produce that will be distributed to food banks and pantries throughout Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Tara Pedersen described her experience: “First Fruits gave me the opportunity to do something for the first time! We picked corn and harvested zucchini! It was really great to be part of a Christian mission that ranges over multiple states. Lunch was delicious at Ruby Tuesday and I look forward to doing it again. It was a great opportunity to spend time in a casual, uplifting atmosphere with our church!”

First Fruits Farm is a nonprofit, Christian ministry dedicated to providing fresh, nutritious food for the hungry through volunteer service and community partnerships. Since its founding in 1998, over 27 million pounds of fresh produce has been harvested and distributed to food banks, shelters, schools, churches, and other organizations throughout Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region.

First Fruits Farm donates produce to All Saints’ monthly Food Giveaway.

Learn more about First Fruits Farm at its website: firstfruitsfarm.org.