A Note From the Bookkeeper

As the End of the Year Approaches There are several things to keep in mind. 

Firstly, all check requests (for reimbursement, payment of invoices, etc.) must be submitted to the church office as soon as possible but no later than Monday, January 2. Please help us to capture all 2022 expenses in the 2022 financial statements.

Secondly, it is important to have any 2022 contributions to All Saints’ turned into the church before the year end (this year that is Friday, December 30) if they are to be posted to the 2022 end of the year contribution statements. Payments received after the end of the year will appear on your 2023 contributions statements.

Thirdly, thank you to all those who have completed their pledge cards indicating their commitment to God through their offerings for 2023. To those who have not yet made a pledge concerning your giving for the coming year, please do so as soon as possible. The Vestry is working on the budget for 2023, and all pledges are extraordinarily important in determining how we all as saints together will move forward in our mission to do God’s work. You may pledge online via the church website or by calling the church office if you need to request a pledge card. Thank you!

If you have questions, please email our bookkeeper, Lynne Cheney.