Archbishop Wood's Quarterly Provincial Letter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am sending my quarterly Provincial Letter a few weeks early as I have good news to report.

First, greetings from Christ Church Plano, where I am attending the G25 GAFCON Global Mini Conference, along with 120 Primates and Bishops from around the world. This gathering, organized by +Paul Donison, the General Secretary for GAFCON, is an endeavor to introduce our most recently elected Bishops to the history of, and our deep roots in, GAFCON.

As I have reported in previous updates, over the past several months we have been engaging in a restructuring process, which has included a review of our current provincial staff structure and functions, the audit and assessment of our current internal systems and platforms, the development of a new organizational chart, and the recruitment and screening of candidates for four new Director roles.

Before I introduce you to our four new Directors, I wanted to offer a few words of thanks. First, and most profoundly, I am grateful to and appreciate the work of Deborah Tepley. Her commitment to Jesus Christ and His church is deep, inspiring, and gives guidance to her life and work. Deborah has led our restructuring work these past several months with excellence and the whole of our Province is indebted to her.

Secondly, our Restructuring Committee, an ad hoc committee of the Executive Committee, has been meeting regularly since November and guiding this process for the Province. The work of this Committee, comprised of Dr. Joan Deeks, Sheryl Vittitoe, Bishop Ryan Reed, and Deborah Tepley, is now completed. I am incredibly grateful for the time, effort and expertise this Committee has contributed over these past months. I am also grateful for the support of those who made up our interview teams, which included Jonathan Millard+, +Steve Breedlove, Sheryl Vittitoe, Lee Hilts, and Jeff Weber+.

Read the rest of Archbishop Wood’s letter here.