Advent 2021 Resources and Opportunities

Advent 2021-A Savior is Coming

Advent is the four-week season before Christmas Day and marks the beginning of our church year. This year it started on Sunday, November 28. The liturgical color of the season is purple, and it symbolizes a time of waiting. It also represents the royal aspect of our Lord who is King. For many centuries, the church and Christian families in all parts of the world have celebrated this season in lots of creative ways. It is a season of preparing, reflecting and waiting. It is s season of hope and anticipation. It is a season of love and joy. 2021 has been another year marked by uncertainty and unrest, by cynicism and hopelessness, by pandemic and loss. Keeping a holy Advent is a way of practicing hope in the face of hopelessness and joy in the face of uncertainty.

What will your holiday season look like this year? How can we make time to really enter into this season of waiting and preparation? Plan now to make time to show the love of Christ to one another and to those who need to hear some good news. We have gathered some suggestions and some resources we hope will help.

Consider what might work for you and your family this year. Be intentional and experience a beloved time preparing for the birth of Jesus. Many opportunities abound right in your home, here at church, and in our community. Here are a few ideas to get you started.