Advent: A Savior is coming!

“Because you sent your beloved Son to redeem us from sin and death, and to make us heirs in him of everlasting life; that when he shall come again in power and great glory to judge the world, we may without shame or fear rejoice to behold his appearing.” BCP, 2019


Advent is the four-week season before Christmas Day; it marks the beginning of our church year. This year it starts on Sunday, November 29. The liturgical color of the season is purple, and it symbolizes a time of waiting. It also represents the royal aspect of our Lord who is King. For many centuries, the church and Christian families in all parts of the world have celebrated this season in lots of creative ways. It is a season of preparing, reflecting and waiting. It is a season of hope and anticipation. It is a season of love and joy. In a year that has been marked by uncertainty and unrest, by cynicism and hopelessness, by pandemic and loss, a holy Advent may be exactly what we need right now. 

What will your holiday season look like this year? How can we make time to, really, enter into this season of waiting and preparation? How might we turn this coming season into something to remember fondly in years to come? How do we reach out in a time when social distancing and other hindrances seem to get in the way? We have gathered some suggestions and some resources we hope will help.

So, consider what might work for your family this year. Be intentional and experience a beloved time preparing for the birth of Jesus. All in the anticipation of walking your family through the true meaning of Christmas. Many opportunities abound right in your home, and in our community. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Ways to Serve and Celebrate

Green the church.
The altar guild will get a few items up for advent. And then on Sunday, December 20, 12-2 p.m., we will celebrate the coming of Christmas with bows, ornaments, and decor with family groups and individuals working in specific areas around the building, at least 6-feet apart and wearing masks.

Help provide Christmas for children in our community. This has been a long standing outreach for All Saints and your help is needed more than ever this year! Because of COVID, it will look a little different this year -- more details will be coming soon!

Donate holiday foods to our food pantry. 
These foods will help bring a special holiday meal to over 1200 PWC families in need, as well as distributed monthly to the Hunger Resource Center. 

Make or serve a meal for Streetlight Ministries.
Bring a smile to the homeless by preparing a dinner entree or provide breakfast or lunch items on two dates in December (Dec. 9 and 30). See details and signup instructions here.

RACK your neighborhood...spread Random Acts of Christmas Kindness.
Spread the joy of Jesus with random acts of kindness to your neighbors.  This is an Advent countdown that encourages us to GIVE, SERVE, and HELP OTHERS. As you celebrate by sharing small acts of kindness, you will experience the true meaning of  this glorious season. Visit the website.

Receive a gifted 'Advent Family Bag' from the church to walk your family through the Anglican season of Advent with your family and friends. 
Available November 22, these family ideas and hands-on traditions and devotions will easily  and joyfully prepare you for the coming of Christ. Each bag contains gifts to you- Celebrating Advent at Home: A Thrill of Hope book, family Advent crafts, RACK the world materials, and other hands-on materials. 

Drive-Thru the Nativity, right here at All Saints’!
From the annunciation of the Lord to the birth of our Savior, enjoy a drive-thru experience for all ages with Christmas music, a splash of lights, and live animals. Friday, December 18th, 630-830pm (Rain Date Sunday, Dec. 20).  If you would like to help with scenes, animals, costumes, or roles, please contact Tara.

Things to read on your own or with your family

Especially good for families:

Celebrating Advent at Home: A Thrill of Hope by Ashley Wallace This is the book included in the ‘Advent Family Bag” but can be purchased on its own from Amazon and other booksellers. 

The Advent Jesse Tree by Dean Lambert Smith A longtime favorite at All Saints’ – it traces the biblical story from Genesis to the birth of Jesus with readings for children and adults each day. Great for all ages. We have a few copies at church but can be ordered online. 

The Way to the Manger by Jeff and Abbey Land This delightful book has bright colors, short Scripture readings, devotional thoughts, assorted activity ideas and some questions to ponder with your children. There are even questions kids can ask their parents or grandparents! 

Especially good for older teens, young adults and adults:

Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas by Plough Publishing. An anthology of short pieces from authors like C.S. Lewis, Philip Yancey, T.S.Elliot and Henri Nouwen on topics like waiting, hope, light and love – each with a slightly different lens on the season. 

Preparing for Jesus: Meditations on the Coming of Christ, Advent, Christmas and the Kingdom by Walter Wangerin, Jr. 

The Christ of Christmas by Calvin Miller Brief devotions and readings for each day of  the month of December. Short enough for the busy days but with suggestions for deeper reading for times when you have a bit more time and want to go deeper. 

Shadow and Light by Tsh Oxenreider “is a concise and customizable guide for the Advent season to help you rediscover your childlike wonder and contemplate the sacred gift we celebrate in the Christmas season.”

The Advent Project is an online resource presented by the Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts at Biola University in California. Each day includes a piece of art, a piece of creative writing or poem, a devotion and some music. You can sign up to have it delivered to your email each day. Check it out here.
