All Saints' Church

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Attention 2020 Graduates!

Deadline has changed….as a team steps in to help with communications at All Saints’, grace is required. In order to do a great job honoring the 2020 graduates instead of “throwing something together” graduates will be honored at the end of June or early July. If you have not submitted information about your favorite grad, please do so!

Graduating High School, College, Vocational School, or completing your post-graduate degree this year? We want to celebrate with you! Please send us your name, the degree attained, school attended and, next steps (Attending which college? Starting a new career?) 

We’re also asking for a photo so we can share your news with the congregation (it may be published on our website as well). Please send your info to We don’t want to miss anyone, so if you know someone from our church who might not see this newsletter, please let them know.