Christian Education: Fall 2020


These days of living with COVID are certainly unprecedented in modern times for the church, our community and the world. One of the great challenges for each of us as a committed disciple of Jesus is to continue growing spiritually in times such as these. In 2 Timothy 2:15 God’s word through the apostle Paul exhorts us to rightly handle the word of truth…God’s truth.

As a church family, despite the necessary limits on in-person gatherings, we are working hard to provide a wide array of opportunities for all of us to continue growing in the Lord. As we enter this fall, I want to encourage all of us to prayerfully choose at least one of these wonderful opportunities to both grow and stay connected with God and each other. As you consider the fall offerings, you will find that there is something for every age and a wide variety of study topics.

May the Lord continue to pour out His sustaining grace on us as we continue to seek Him as Christ’s Church together while we are still, in part, physically separated. 

Together with you in service,
