Coracle Fellowship Opportunity

The Coracle Fellowship leads you through a year-long process of discovery and formation in community with others seeking more in their relationship with God and in their redemptive engagement with the brokenness that surrounds us all.  It is a program of “Spiritual Formation For Kingdom Action.”  The world needs more people who are alive and strong in God for the sake of the world.  That is why Coracle offers this program, so that you might become God’s joyful and redemptive presence wherever he leads you.

By the end of your Fellowship experience, here are their hopes for you:

“that you would know God’s love more truly – understand Jesus more clearly – connect with God more easily – embrace your uniqueness more deeply – understand your vocations more confidently – live more hopefully – hear God’s voice more readily – participate in God’s redemptive work more eagerly – trust God more radically – live more fully with great joy.”

The Coracle Fellowship is woven around a framework of twelve group retreats, which have traditionally taken place at Corhaven, Coracle’s retreat space in the Shenandoah Valley.  This year, while they still have a few retreats at Corhaven, most of the retreats will be hosted at partner churches– in DC and Northern Virginia.  Learn more about the corresponding on-line fellowship here. The program will also include other key elements experienced individually and in group settings.  These elements include:

recommended readings – exposure to a variety of spiritual disciplines – written reflections – several local Coracle Fellowship dinners – a personal retreat – the opportunity to participate in other Coracle offerings over the course of the year – and the opportunity to synthesize what you have learned in a final reflection project.

All the while, they encourage you to continue to participate regularly in your home church.

On top of individualized attention to your spiritual journey and growth, they will provide a Fellowship reading list, a robust notebook of retreat resources, a specialized prayer book, and a journal for your use throughout the program. There are scholarships available for this program.

Please reach out to with any questions you might have!