Foundations for Ministry Course Beginning Soon!


A new Foundations for Ministry class will begin Sunday, September 12 from 4-6 p.m.

  • Foundations is an adult small group Bible study course designed for those willing to make a commitment to daily Bible study.

  • It is an excellent opportunity for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Scripture and our Christian heritage.

  • The course is divided into two academic years with students committing themselves to one year of study at a time.

    • This year’s study will be: Year 1- Old Testament

    • Next year’s study will be: Year 2- New Testament

    • Participants must complete Old Testament before they can take New Testament.

    • Old Testament will not be offered again until Fall 2023

  • The class will meet on Sunday evenings from 4-6 p.m. at the church.

  • Childcare is available for elementary-age children and the class will run during the Middle and High School Youth Group.

If you have further questions please call the church office 703-670-0093 or email Desiree Barker.