Getting to Know the Church Staff- Deacon Julie

This week, we are featuring a staff member at All Saints’ Church to encourage our community to stay connected and find ways to get involved. This week, we’re featuring Deacon Julie Tilton.

We asked her a few questions to get to know her and her ministries better.

How did you come to All Saints' Church? 

I attended Christ the Redeemer (CTR) in Centreville for a number of years, and continued on as the Director of Spiritual Formation for 6 years even after I moved to Prince William County. When the price of gasoline spiked to $4 a gallon in 2008 I decided it was time to switch to All Saints’, shortening both the time and the cost of my commute to church considerably! And now gasoline is almost $5 a gallon!!! I was also familiar with All Saints’, having brought a team of intercessors from CTR for the training that the Rev. Valerie Whitcomb was providing at All Saints’ for Restoring the Foundations (RTF).

What ministries do you lead?

In addition to serving as a Deacon I am the Director of Caring Ministries (which includes Stephen Ministry), and also the staff liaison for Women’s Ministry (including Needlework and Blessing Bags.) I also receive the prayer requests from the online prayer form on our web site, and coordinate these requests with 15 intercessors. In addition I oversee and facilitate GriefShare sessions online for persons within and without our church who have lost a loved one.

When did God call you into ordained ministry? 

For a number of years I coordinated housing and travel for the Titus Institute of Church Planting for trips of would be church planters to a large annual church planting conference in Orlando. On one of these trips (2011-12) I was chatting with Rev. Susan Bubbers, a priest in Florida, when she suddenly told me I should seek the diaconate, that it was all over me. At the time I thought deacons were a step to becoming a priest and I told her I was not called to be a priest. When she said she meant the permanent diaconate I felt a shock go through me! The rest is history. I was ordained a Deacon by Bishop John in 2014.

What is your favorite thing about being a deacon?

Reading the Gospel and leading the Prayers of the People.

 How can the church be praying for you?

For continued recovery from a lung illness that has damaged my lungs; and that I do not contract Covid.

Where do you see God working in the ministries you lead? 

All Saints’ is currently holding its 6th GriefShare course and in every course there has been tremendous healing over the 13 weeks from beginning to end. There has also been healing and support provided by Stephen Ministers

What are the biggest challenges these ministries are facing?

We have a transient congregation and a number of trained Stephen Leaders have moved away. And while women seem receptive to having a trained spiritual confidant walk with them through the valley, men are reluctant to accept a Stephen Minister.

What is the most exciting place you've visited?

New Zealand for 10 days in 2001 with family.

Any podcasts you're currently listening to?

I love listening to the BibleProject podcast while I walk my dog Shiloh.

Besides the Bible, what is the most formative book you've read?

“Nine O’Clock in the Morning” by Dennis Bennett. It brought me back in to the church in about 1975. It was the first time I understood what grace was, and that I could not earn it. I just had to receive it.

What do you like to do for fun outside of church?

Play with my dog and with my grandchildren. Read historical fiction and mysteries.

If you would like more information about the Caring Ministries, Needlework, or Blessing Bags, you can email Julie.