When Desiree Barker retired in August of this year, she left two roles at All Saints’ Church. One of those roles was Adult Discipleship Director, and Jim Morrison and Josh Moore have stepped in to serve as co-leaders. Along with a faithful committee of leaders, Jim Morrison and Josh Moore plan and teach Adult Sunday School and other opportunities for adults to grow in their walk with Christ. This week we asked Jim Morrison a few questions to get to know him and his new position co-leading Adult Discipleship. Stay tuned for next week when we feature Josh Moore!
What brought you to ASC and what drew you to serve?
Our next-door neighbors invited us to attend their church back in 1988. With three young children ages 9, 7, and 4, my wife Debbie and I were asked to serve in children’s ministry initially. As I grew in faith, other opportunities to serve became available, especially with Youth Ministry for many years.
What is your role as an Adult Discipleship Leader?
“Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you.” Jesus Great Commission applies to me personally and corporately. I love studying the Bible with the Holy Spirit leading the way. Sharing this love with others, encouraging all to grow in the love and knowledge of Christ, and seeking to apply God’s Word in everything we do inspires me daily. And the icing on the cake? Working with dedicated and learned members of our Adult Discipleship Committee and other teachers in our congregation as we plan and conduct learning opportunities throughout the year.
Why Anglicanism?
I did not grow up Anglican. Baptist and other Protestant denominations were my beginnings. As Debbie and I continued with All Saints’, I learned to enjoy the liturgy, the adherence to the truth of God’s Holy Word, and the dependence on the Holy Spirit present here.
What is the process for deciding what to study for Adult Education offerings?
Prayer (discerning God’s guidance) and partnership with our Rector and other ministries. Together we seek to meet the needs of everyone attending All Saints’.
What are you currently reading?
“The Miracle of the Scarlet Thread” by Richard Booker. To see how many of the Old Testament objects, events, and practices lead us to the shed blood of Jesus Christ is humbling yet affirming.
What book or author has had the biggest impact on your walk with Christ?
Other than the Bible, “Victory Over The Darkness” by Neil T Anderson. Someone once said we live in a world with a praise deficit. When I am feeling down and discouraged, flipping to a page citing multiple verses in the Bible highlighting who I am in Christ picks me up every time. They remind me of the power of Christ and God’s Holy Spirit to transform me to be more like Him.
What is your favorite part of the Bible to study/read?
I am enjoying The Book of the Acts of the Apostles in our Adult Sunday School each Sunday. Acts provides so many examples of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the early church. I have seen some of these works (e.g. healing, deliverance, conversion) occur again in my lifetime. Acts also reminds me of what living as a Christian community can be and challenge me to live that way.
How can we pray for you?
To paraphrase Moses in Numbers 11, “would that all God’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit on them”. We have God’s Spirit, may I and those who are Christ’s disciples grow in our love, knowledge, and application of God, God’s Word, and all His people. May all who attend All Saints’ attend our education offerings and provide input for what offerings would benefit them at this time in their life.
Fun facts?
Stand anywhere in my vicinity, call my name, and watch me try to locate you. I’m deaf in my left ear and hard of hearing in the right ear so I have no sense of where sound comes from. But that’s ok, God has blessed me with a sense of humor, to include offering some really bad puns at times (like I have to ask, “Still friends?”, after some of them).