Getting to Know the Church: Pastoral Resident Reilly Pachecano

Another familiar face in our “Getting to Know the Church” series is Reilly Pachecano. Reilly has attended All Saints’ Church for as long as he can remember, but just this past summer he stepped into a unique role as our Pastoral Resident. He’s taken on more responsibilities and is learning and growing in the process. We caught up with him to find out more!

How long have you attended All Saints’ Church and what have you participated in?

I’ve been coming ever since I can remember ( as a young child). I’ve always been involved in the church. Whether it was Sunday School, Children’s Church, or VBS. In Middle School, I started acolyting. In high school, I was always a part of Youth Group, Bible study, Camp Booyah, and serving and Sundays. Serving on Sunday definitely grew once I was in High School. 

When did you start your residency position?

I started this residency in June of 2023. And plan to keep going as long as All Saints’ Church will have me!

What are some of your responsibilities?

Each week I prepare the service booklets. These are the small books the clergy and other servers on Sunday use to follow the order of service and the liturgy. I also do the slides for Sunday morning. The slides are projected to allow the congregation to follow along with the liturgy of the service and music lyrics. I put the Scripture readings in the projection slides as well. Some of the other things I do come from assisting Fr. Scott and Fr. Jedd with pastoral needs. There is also a lot of busy office work! Throughout all of it, I am learning as much as I can! One thing I’ve learned is how to relate to people, come alongside people where they are, and learn to pray with people and for people.

 What’s your favorite part of the residency?

The community. I love the comradery of getting to know everyone in the office.

What has been the most challenging part?

Early on it was trying to get a set schedule in place while balancing multiple responsibilities during the week and on Sunday mornings. In the beginning, I said yes to too many things and was not able to get it all done. It was a great lesson in time management and learning to say no.

Where do you see God working in your life?

I am sensing the potential for God calling me to ministry, but I am not sure yet. I am sensing the possibility of Him calling me to ordained ministry. However, I am still sitting back and letting God take the steering wheel.

What are you currently reading?

How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth by Gordon Fee and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth is making me realize how much I didn’t know about reading my Bible! I’ve learned so much. Mere Christianity asks me very challenging questions that have me really thinking about things in the faith.

Why Anglicanism?

I like the liturgy, and how much the church puts an emphasis on prayer. Specifically at All Saints’ Church, I’ve always had the feeling of the church being the people and not the building.

How can we pray for you?

That God would order my steps the way He wants them to be ordered, and that he would give me patience to be content where I am and not rush ahead.

Fun Facts

  • I’m very caring and wholehearted. When it comes to sports, I’m very competitive!

  • I have seven years of volunteering at VBS under my belt!

  • My favorite sports team is the Washington Nationals.