Getting to Know the Church- Jedd Trenum+

Each week we’ll be featuring a staff member or ministry at All Saints’ Church to encourage our community to stay connected and find ways to get involved. This week, we’re featuring our Associate Rector and Youth Pastor, Jedd Trenum+

We asked him a few questions to get to know him better.

What is your role at All Saints’ Church?

I am the Associate Rector and Youth Pastor. You can see me each Sunday serving at the altar in the morning, and leading the Youth Group in the afternoon.

What is the Youth Group up to?

On the horizon we have another trip to Camp Booyah this summer- the Anglican youth camp with churches from our diocese and other dioceses within the ACNA. We’re doing a few fundraising jobs for that this year. We will also have some events this summer like a trip to Kings Dominion and some hiking. Weekly, we have Bible Study on Thursday nights, Sunday School between the two services, and we meet Sunday evenings from 4-6 p.m. for games, worship music, teaching, and discussions. We have a faithful group of adult leaders who serve each week, and we would welcome any new adult leaders to come to these events.

What is your favorite thing about youth ministry?

I really enjoy the deep conversations and moments with teens- especially the connections they make in their understanding of God. I also really love just being able to goof off and have fun with them.

How can the church be praying for you?

There are two things: one, that I would be a faithful and obedient priest in the ministry of the church. Two, for time management so that God’s work gets completed, and I can have quality family time.

What is the most exciting place you’ve ever visited?

Kakum National Park in Ghana. It's a tropical forest with a canopy bridge walkway 130 feet in the air. You get the best views that way!

What’s playing in your AirPods lately?

I'm a devout listener to the Bible Project Podcast; I also like the Russell Moore Show, Theology in the Raw, Lord of the Spirits (Eastern Orthodox priests discussing things), and Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell.

Besides the Bible, what is the most formative book you've read?

Confessions by St. Augustine, and The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

What do you like to do for fun outside of church?

Spending time with family; relaxing with friends; playing soccer; traveling; reading books; hiking in the mountains; enjoying a good Malbec with good cheese and charcuterie.

If you would like more information about the Youth Group you can email Jedd+ to get involved or serve.

Jedd+ baptizing his youngest daughter, Chloe at the Easter Vigil.