Getting to Know the Church- Summer Interns!

Lately the church office has been full of young faces with positive attitudes and a willingness to learn! All Saints’ Church has four college-age interns working with us for the summer: Ethan Wills, Rebekah Nicholson, Esther Wangari, and Lydia Pedersen. They serve in a variety of departments, helping church operations run smoothly throughout the week and preparing for Sunday services! Two of our interns have grown up in All Saints’ and are familiar faces. The other two are new to All Saints’ and have been welcomed to our community. We sat down with all four during one of their Wednesday morning group study to get to know them better.

Lydia and Ethan, you both grew up in this church, but Rebekah and Esther, how did you come to All Saints’ Church and what does your internship entail?

Rebekah: I grew up in the Assemblies of God church here in Northern Virginia, and attend an AG college in Texas. However, my brother-in-law is an Anglican priest and a chaplain in the Air Force. He knew Jedd+ and connected me to him and All Saints’ Church for the internship. This summer I’ve been helping out with Tara at Storytime in the park, serving on Sunday mornings, and seeing the day-to-day operations of the church.

Esther: I grew up Anglican in Kenya, but when I came to the United States I started attending Church of the Apostles in Fairfax. Jedd+ and Emily (I knew them as Mr. and Mrs. Trenum) were my teachers for several years at Christ Chapel Academy. Now that I attend Liberty University there is a required amount of Christian service hours. Serving here, has helped me fulfill those. I also help Tara with Storytime, and Jedd+ with Youth Sunday School.

Ethan and Lydia, what do your internships entail?

Ethan: I work primarily with David for music and Emily for communications. I do a lot of the Sunday morning prep throughout the week- from selecting the music, to preparing the service booklets, and slides for Sundays. I also do other office tasks throughout the week. I’ve updated the room signs throughout the building.

Lydia: I mostly work with Desiree doing administrative work, but I also work with Children’s Ministry. There is a lot of preparation for Vacation Bible School this summer!

What is your favorite part about working here?

Ethan: The staff. I have gotten to know everyone really well between this summer and last summer, and that has been a great experience.

Rebekah: Digging deeper into the spiritual formation Desiree teaches on. Also, the theological discussions with Jedd+.

Lydia: I really like the atmosphere- it’s uplifting and the Wednesday morning group has given us fellowship.

Esther: The people! Everyone is welcoming, friendly, and easy to talk to.

Tell us about your group meeting every Wednesday morning.

Lydia: There is SO much we are reading and discussing. We’re reading The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. We’re also reading chapters from Devotional Classics.

Rebekah: In Devotional Classics, there’s different articles by authors from all different centuries, places, and even different perspectives within the Christian faith.

Ethan: I really like philosophy, and part of that is understanding everyone’s perspective. Even with the author’s different perspectives, they’re still leading us to the same truth and that is God’s truth. We’ve had some really great discussions and teaching from Desiree.

What are your plans for the fall?

Rebekah: I will be starting my junior year at Southwestern Assemblies of God University located in Waxahachie, Texas. I am studying Church Leadership with a specialization in Spiritual Formation. 

Ethan: I am attending my second year at CNU this coming fall and I am starting my path as a music composition major! I'm quite nervous but also unbelievably excited to start doing something I am truly passionate about.

Lydia: I will be attending Shenandoah University for my freshman year to study Exercise Science.

Esther: I will be going back to Liberty University for my senior year, though I still have 3 more semesters to pursue my career in Psychology & Family and Child Development with a minor in sociology.

Is there someone in your life who has really helped you in your walk with Christ?

Rebekah: Yes, the strongest spiritual mentors during most of high school and my early college career were Pastor TJ, and Pastor Brady and his wife Lauren. Pastor TJ and Pastor Brady are the youth and associate youth pastors at Chapel Springs Assemblies of God in Bristow. Additionally, in this last year, I have a handful of close friends I met at SAGU who have really assisted me in my walk with The Lord.

Ethan: For a long time, that someone was Lori Sandavol and after what happened, I felt like I had lost that person who was helping me grow in my spiritual life and grow in my relationship with the Lord. Starting this summer, I wasn't sure I had someone but when we started the Wednesday morning spiritual formation stuff with Desiree, that really helped me because I was walking solo but having Desiree be a guide for me has been truly wonderful.

Lydia: The Trenums and Mrs. Barker.

Esther: My college friends have really helped me with my walk with Christ, with all the encouragements and keeping me accountable if I am attending church every Sunday.

What is your favorite book of the Bible?

Rebekah Oh man, that is difficult to answer... I don't think I am able to narrow down just one favorite. Most recently, I have loved turning to Acts, Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, and 1&2 Timothy.

Ethan: My favorite book of the Bible has always been Romans.

Lydia: My favorite book of the bible is Ephesians.

Esther: My favorite book in the bible is the book of Esther and Matthew.

How can the church be praying for you?

Rebekah: Well, obviously, I grew up in a very different Christian tradition, and serving at All Saints has been an amazing experience outside of what I am used to. As I transition out of this summer internship and back to school, I am still left with a lot of questions toward what I believe and where my spiritual walk is currently headed. Please pray that I continue to form my faith and that I receive direction from God on what my next steps will look like as far as what church He wants me to attend and what denomination He wants me to be a part of. 

Ethan: I could use prayer for guidance in my new endeavors at school with the music program and diving into this unknown world and maintaining my relationship with God while I am at school and somewhat disconnected from the Church.

Lydia: Just for my transition into college and my healing process with my knee.

Esther: For my process of seeking internships to go well and land a place that helps my relationship with Christ to keep growing every day and that I can finish college strong.

What do you like to do for fun?   

Rebekah: I enjoy watching youtube and Netflix, drinking coffee, and listening to music. I can't go through my day without having music playing in my ears most hours of the day.

Ethan: Music is the main thing I do for fun. I play piano daily whether it's practicing or just coming up with something cool. I write a lot of music and I think of new ideas all the time. I also play video games and I love to drive. Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll just go for a drive and take a look at nature or go hiking.

Lydia: I like to go Lake Montclair and go out to eat for fun.

Esther: When I'm at home I like riding my bike and watching Netflix. At school hanging out with friends, going out to eat at new places around Lynchburg (which can be expensive sometimes), and playing soccer.