Getting to Know the Church Volunteers- Tammy Bailey

This week, we are featuring the Food Giveaways through an interview with Tammy Bailey.

We asked her a few questions to get to know her and this ministry better!

How did the monthly food giveaways start at All Saints’ Church?

It all started with the vision of Scott+. As he shared with me his passion to share the love of Christ by providing food for those in need in our community, my heart was stirred and I wanted to be involved. Alison Pachecano was already serving in the existing food pantry ministry at All Saints’ and immediately jumped on board. Although we were in the midst of the pandemic, she suggested that we explore a model that would allow people the dignity of selecting their own food. Sylvia Dean visited another food giveaway ministry and encouraged the same approach. It didn’t take long and we had a plan together for an outdoor food giveaway. Our church family was amazing and quickly came together to make our first food giveaway happen in March 2021.

What is your favorite thing about leading this ministry? 

There are so many aspects of this ministry that I love! I don’t know that I can pick just one favorite, but I’ll narrow it down to two. First, I love that every month we get to invite people from our community into God’s house and show them his love by meeting a tangible need and offering them prayer, friendly smiles, and kind words. Second, I absolutely love the way our church family works together, serving side-by-side in so many different ways, to bless our community. There’s no better fellowship than serving Christ together!

What has been the biggest challenge?

My heart’s desire is to see individuals meet Jesus as they experience his love through our food giveaways. However, so many of our guests do not speak English. Sharing the good news of Christ with them is challenging due to the language barrier. Likewise, while we invite every guest to worship with us, we know that those who do not speak English are less likely to return for our services. Please join me in praying that God will open doors and show us how best to minister to our non-English-speaking neighbors.

How can the church be praying for you?

As the ministry continues to grow, I would ask for prayer for

  • wisdom as we continue to expand (especially regarding raising up more leaders within the ministry)

  • God’s provision of enough food to meet the growing needs

Where do you see God working in this ministry?

Wow! God has been amazing! I had no idea when we begin this ministry last year where God would take us. Each month I love to hear the reports from the prayer team of the individuals who come through seeking a touch from God. Likewise, God has brought us together as a church family to serve with united vision. He has opened the doors for a growing relationship with Title 1 schools, especially Neabsco Elementary School. And his tremendous grace and provision was evident when we were selected to receive the $90,000 grant to enhance this ministry.

What’s coming up in the months ahead for the food giveaways and the other outreach ministries?

We will continue our food giveaways on the second Saturday of each month. In addition, we will also be serving resettled refugees, which will include deliveries to the homes of many who do not yet have transportation. Our commitment to providing fresh, healthy food will be enhanced as our garden volunteers grow fresh vegetables. Additionally, First Fruits Farm in Freeland, Maryland will be providing fresh produce from July through November. We will continue to foster our growing relationship with Neabsco Elementary School by providing weekly food to students who might not otherwise have enough food on the weekend and food for those families throughout the summer months. We will also be collecting school supplies for Neabsco students. Finally, we will soon be seeing the grant funds being used to purchase a 40-foot storage container which will hold non-perishables as well as a freezer for perishables. This will further enable us to secure donations of fresh food from local grocery stores.

What would you say to someone who wants to serve this ministry, but is not sure where to begin? 

Show up! 😊 The monthly food giveaways are such a great place to start with something for everyone who wants to serve. I would also love to have a conversation with anyone who wants to get involved but isn’t sure what role best fits for them. There are jobs that can be done during weekdays, evenings, weekends…sitting, standing, driving…lifting heavy boxes or sitting at a table or computer…once a month or every week…at the church or in the community…you get the idea. If you want to serve, there is definitely a place for you!

If you would like more information about the Food Giveaways, you can email Tammy to get involved or serve!